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[ Spider vein ]
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milwaukee removal spider vein woman
Re cases, varicose veins can rupture, or open sores (ulcers) can form on the skin. Varicose veins are most common in the legs and thighs. Spider veins — spider veins appear on the surface of the skin. They may look like short, fine lines, “starburst” clusters or a web-like maze. Spider veins are most common in the thighs, ankles and feet, and may also appear on the face. They may itch, burn or ache, and can be found alone or in combination with varicose veins. Causes of spider veins include genetics (many women with spider veins have mothers and or female relatives with spider veins), pregnancy, prolonged standing and sitting, injury and high pressure from varicose veins. Spider veins are often a cosmetic vs. a health concern. While spider veins and varicose veins occur in men and women, women experience these vein disorders more often. Estrogen, a female hormone, plays a role in the development of spider and varicose veins. Your First VisitDuring your first visit to the Comprehensive Vein Clinic, a physician will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your vein system, take your medical history, conduct a physical exam and do an ultrasound exam of the lower extremities. All of these processes combine to help the physician determine the optimal treatment plan for you. Following the exam process, the physician will discuss your test results and review the treatment options appropriate for your disorder. Your treatment plan will be customized to your needs.You will also receive an estimate of treatment fees. The diagnosis and treatment of significant health problems due 890) ? 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| Los angeles spider vein | Spider vein therapy | Herbs for spider vein | Sclerotherapy spider vein | Milwaukee spider vein woman | How to prevent spider vein | Milwaukee spider treatment vein |

[ Spider vein ]